Clear Braces in Aubrey Texas

Many of our patients have told us that they would like to fix a crooked smile but do not wish to wear ugly metal braces. Most adults find that having a bunch of wires in their mouth is a distracting and embarrassing situation that they would rather not have to endure for months and months. ClearCorrect uses clear plastic aligners to slowly straighten teeth without having to cement metal brackets onto ones teeth.


clearcorrect aligners braces aubrey

How is ClearCorrect different from traditional braces?

The aligner above is clear so that they are not easily noticeable when being worn. They are also removable, so that you can eat, brush and floss comfortably. Multiple sets are custom made for each person, so that your teeth can be moved carefully into the correct position. When your teeth are ready, you simply use the next set of clear trays until the last set places them cleanly and evenly into a straight smile.


What should I expect during ClearCorrect treatment?

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Treatment time is about 6 – 18 months which requires a new clear tray every few weeks. Dr. Caroline Tran will go over your expected treatment time during your consultation. X-rays, digital photos and impressions will also be taken during your initial consultation. These pictures and impressions are then 3D scanned into a computer so that Dr. Tran can create the customized trays that you will use throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Patients must also check in with Dr. Tran every 6 weeks for a checkup and to make any adjustments to your trays as needed. It is important to wear your trays when not eating, brushing or flossing so that your teeth can slowly adjust as planned.


clearcorrect cases aubrey

Are clear aligners a good option for me?

Many people who need straighter teeth are great candidates for ClearCorrect. People who have a lot of spacing or crowding will find that aligners will give them the smile they have always wanted! Not everyone’s case is an ideal choice for ClearCorrect.

The best way to find out if ClearCorrect is best for your is to schedule an exam and consultation with Dr. Tran. Give us a call at (940) 365-3326 to schedule a consultation!

Financing and Payment Options

Our staff will be happy to help you better understand your payment options for orthodontic treatment. Some insurance plans have coverage for braces that include treatments like ClearCorrect. We also have convenient financing options available.

Contact Us for a ClearCorrect Consultation!

Schedule an Appointment Today

Call us at (940) 365-3326 or contact us online!